Buster "I don't know about this Sam. I'm watchin' the tree, just like Dad said; but what about that big guy in the red suit? Do you really think he's gonna show up?"
Sam: "I don't care what anybody says! There ain't NO big, fat guy in a red suit comin' in this house tonight!"
Buster & Samson were Shawn & Jane's 'boys' and our Grand-pups. We lost both of them last year and they're still missed and we still talk about all they got into as they were growing from puppies into adult-hood. The thing is, with Boxers, they never out-grow the Puppy that lives within them. What a neat thing that is.
Between Shawn & Jane & me & Clyde, we've had Boxers for about 15 years. We had Casey; the kids had Brit; Buster & Sam and now they have Louis. Something we've learned from these dogs is that they love you no matter what. Forgot their water? No problem, they love you anyway. Is dinner late? Again, not a problem. They'll eat and still want to be with you. It's as though they don't know the meaning of being angry or carrying a grudge. God must have left that out of them when He created them. We humans are another story, sad to say. We can be hurt and remember it 20 years down the road. We don't forgive easily, at least not many of us. We carry the past and its hurts as though it were a badge of some sort. Oh to be as quickly to forgive and forget as our pets. What a different place this world would be.
If you have a dog or a cat, give 'em a hug and tell them again you love them. An extra treat would be good too. If you don't have a pet, find someone who does and do the same. They'll appreciate it and it'll make you feel better.
I know some in this family have pets who are getting older and it's nearing the time you'll have to say Good-bye. Saying good-bye is hard, one of the hardest things I've had to do in life. But the pain eases and you can rest knowing you've given your special friend a good life; good food and a warm home filled with people who loved them. And one day, we just may get to see them again. I for one believe God has special gifts waiting for His children when they reach Home. Some of mine are named Casey, Brit, Buster & Sam.
Buster was looking for his favorite neighbor, not Santa!
Best blog ever! I'm a friend of Shawn's (and Jeannie (Foeller) Day's niece!)- and it broke my heart to see him go through losing two dogs so close together. I guess it reminded me too much of my own brother going through that with his dog. Not only that, but I knew Buster & Sam as well. As much as people like to be the 'tough guy', ain't nothin' like a man & his dog.