Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day of School - Louise

I remember being excited about going to school. I wasn't sure what 'school' was, but I knew it was supposed to be good for you and that you were supposed to make many new friends. I don't remember going to Kindergarten ... I'm not sure there was such a thing way back then. To my knowledge, when you started school, you went directly into first grade.

Mom took me to school. I don't remember what I had for breakfast, but I do remember wearing a new dress and new shoes. Girls did not wear pants to school, and this rule remained in place all through JR High and High School.
We went to the room that I was assigned to, Mom spoke to the teacher and I found a seat. Other kids were already seated by the time I got there.

After Mom left the teacher said, "Class, we have a new student and her name is Hazel". I was looking around the room to see who this Hazel person was and when no one stood up or said anything I figured the teacher had spoken the wrong name. It turns out she had the right name, I just didn't know it was mine. The teacher called the name again and then pointed to me and asked me to stand up. I told her "That's not my name, my name is Louise". She assured me that it said Hazel on my entrance form and after formally introducing me to the class, I was told I could sit down.

Sit down? I wanted to run home! I was shocked and surprised and very angry with my parents. How dare they name me Hazel and never tell me about it! How dare my Mom tell other people that was my name!

I was one very unhappy child when I got home. When asked how the day was, my reply was something along the lines of "Why did you name me Hazel and why didn't you tell me??? I don't like that name! My name is Louise!" Mom told me for the first time that day that I had been named after a precious older woman she knew in Kentucky. Well whoop-de-do. I could have cared less, all I knew was my first day of school was shattered ... to my way of thinking anyway ... and it was a memory I've carried with me all these years. I still don't care for the name Hazel, and only use it when necessary. It's amazing how something like that can affect you, but then, most everything in life does in one way or another.

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