Funerals are events in our lives that we don't look forward to. I went to the funeral of a close friend's Mom this morning and while I hurt for my friend, I also rejoice that her precious Mom is in the presence of Almighty God and she'll never again have to deal with cancer. Her trials are over and for that we're thankful.
The minister who performed the service said something as he pointed to the casket that we all need to consider: We all have a date with death and none of us will escape it. Unless the Lord returns for His body of believers first, we will all one day be put into a casket. He also said that not many people consider this fact and fewer still take the time to plan for it. My friend's Mom did ... she was a Christian, a follower of Jesus, and she knew where she was going when she left here. She lived her life to the fullest she possibly could, for as long as she could and her granddaughter shared that during her Grandma's last days, they could all hear her praying and calling to Jesus.
This godly woman left a heritage of love, kindness and consideration for everyone she met. She deeply loved her daughter, son-in-law and her grandchildren. She loved her sisters and kept in close contact with each one. Two live in Tennessee, but that didn't stop their getting together often for family time.
As I sat at the funeral this morning I thought of my Mom and what she means to me. My friend told me "Losing my Dad was hard, but nothing can compare to this ... nothing can compare to losing your Mom". I believe what she said. I know how difficult it was when our Dad was sick and his dying was almost surreal to me. I cannot imagine losing Mom. She's been one of the strongest women I've known, and for various reasons, she's had to be.
None of us know the day nor the hour when death will come to us or to someone we love. But what we can do is put our hope, faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We can go to Him, even right now, and tell Him we need Him and we want Him to be our Savior and Lord. We can begin now living a life that will leave a legacy of hope for those who follow us. And people do follow you know. Our children and our grandchildren follow closer than we think they do. They listen to our conversations and they watch our responses to all that goes on around us. They mimic the tones of our voices and they'll eventually respond as we do. Good or bad.
What legacy will you leave? What preparations have you made? If you should leave this earth today, where will you go? This isn't all there is, as much as people would have us believe, this isn't all there is. This life has been but the beginning of Eternity and we'll spend it in one of two places.
The most difficult funeral I ever attended was one where no one cried for the man in the coffin. There was a relative small turn-out of people and no one shed a tear that he was gone. His step-son spoke at the service and when he asked if anyone had anything to share, no one responded.
At the conclusion of the service my son Shawn said, "Mom, no one cried for Ray". I've never forgotten those words as they spoke to soul.
To my knowledge this man wasn't a believer in Christ, he hadn't wanted anything to do with "God" or "religion" while he lived and so, unless there was a miracle of some sort in this man's last moments on earth, he died alone and away from God. God will sometimes give us what we want and if we don't want Him, so be it. That isn't the end of the story though. This man is now living with his choices and if he could speak to us, I imagine he would beg us to consider the claims of Jesus and accept Him while there's time to do that.
I love my family ... all of you! and I'm asking myself "If I died tonight, would they know I loved them? Would they know I loved the Lord and desired to serve Him? Will I leave a footpath that's worthy to be followed?"
The picture above is the cemetery where my Riddle grandparents, a relative who fought in the Confederate battle .. and a sister who died when she was but four years old are all buried. Our Dad was laid to rest in Spring Grove Cemetery in Carey, Ohio and when it's my time to go, my body will be laid to rest for awhile at Michigan Memorial Cemetery. Indeed, we all have a date that no one will be able to refuse. The good news is, we have a choice to make right now that will determine where we go once that date has come & gone.
It is my hope and prayer that all who read this will give careful consideration to Jesus and all He offers. I've heard it said by well-meaning people that "a good God wouldn't let anyone go to hell. We can pretty much do as we like and still make it to heaven". Not true. The only way into heaven is through the shed blood of Jesus. And He makes salvation available to all who will come to Him in faith; to all who will open the door of their heart and their life and let Him walk in to what is rightfully His.
This has been a long post, but a necessary one I believe. I can't talk to each of you one-on-one, but I can write and hopefully those who read this, will have something give serious thought to.
May God bless each of you.
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