Monday, August 15, 2011

Pineapple Pie

Easy Summer Ice Box Pie

1 Large Box Instant Vanilla Pudding
1 large can crushed pineapple, undrained
8 ounce container of sour cream
Large cool whip
Graham Cracker Pie Crust

In bowl, mix the Vanilla pudding with the pineapple and sourcream. Stir well.

Pour into prepared graham cracker crust and put into refrigerator for about 2 hours or until
well chilled. Top with cool whip and serve.

This is really good!

Just checking....

I'm just checking to see if anyone reads this blog. If you do, how about giving us your favorite recipe(s) to share with those who do read this?

All you have to do is comment at the end of this post, or send me an email.

Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the Summer, or what's left of it!

Happy Birthday one day late to Lukas...he's 16 yrs old.

Christian Faith

"The Christian faith is about a relationship with Someone who loves you and who has given you the freedom to be His friend. The further we get from that freedom, the further we get from New Testament Christianity and the more our Christianity resembles every other religion, merely a system for keeping the baser instincts of human nature in check. In other words, Christianity becomes a system of rules and regulations. If we live by them, our Christianity becomes pure drudgery with a vague hope that God will reward us in heaven for the drudgery. If we don't live by them, we either lie about it or give up altogether."

Steve Brown

Monday, August 8, 2011

Something to ponder....

"You know,"  Liesl said now, tucking a hand in my arm as we walked. "I have to tell you something I have been thinking about for a long time, ever since Uncle Abe died."


"I notice that the English are always saying, 'I'm sorry for your loss, so sorry for your loss.' It is an appropriate expression, I suppose."

"I nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"But for me," she continued, "what I realized is that at other times when things are going well and a person is finding herself to be quite successful and affluent, earning and achieving and expanding, what I would like to say is 'I am sorry for your gain.'

I couldn't help but laugh, asking what on earth she meant.

"Just that the ways of God's people are not the ways of this world. Success and money and achievement can be a terrible hindrance to one's spiritual life. At least at times of loss, we are reminded of our priorities, of our many blessings. In times of gain, we can so often lose our way. This is why the Amish stress simplicity in all things at all times, because nothing should ever be allowed to turn our eyes away from what is truly important, from the cross."

Excerpt from Secrets of Harmony Grove, pgs 361, 362
by  Mindy Clark Starns