Thursday, December 31, 2009

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,
A glad new year to all the earth.
Martin Luther

The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year.
It is that we should have a new soul.
G. K. Chesterton

This comes from Bobby ....

New years eve 2009...........laundry is going and the furniture is shined.

snow on the ground, motor city chill in the air.................
people up here whining about winter.....I don't really care.

Michigan unemployment still makers going down hill.....
Americans keep buying foreign products..........and they all will as well.

Obama our president and Pelosi speaker of the house......................
what in the dickens are they really about.

Micheal Jackson, Heath Ledger, Ted Kennedy and Farrah Fawcett I will miss most.........
Lets all put on our little White glove tell them fair well and finally give them a toast.

Global warming, Al Gore and green energy and yet Gas still on the rise................
Corn and bio-fuel will save America they say is just another lie.

Crime is up all over , but yet less cops on the street............
Thank god for CCW'S.....just in case one day they decide they would really like us to meet.

Right wing, left wing, liberals and democrats on the air.............
thank you Bill OReilly, and Hannity for showing them how much we still care.

Hln, Cnn, Msnbc and Fox news all report whats up in far off lands.............
But why don't we all just support the military and bomb Iraq and Afghanistan.

Quantomino bay and now sent to Illinois and New York.............
Just line them up on a wall and call in a hillbilly like Sargent York.

I hope this doesn't upset some of you but if it does I still don't understand......
then when terror hits your backyard like 911, maybe a soldier can help you take a stand.

2010 is tomorrow, hope good health and cheer to you all.................
I still don't see where our life issues will go away and gas prices will just fall.

Thank god for our family in 2010, children, biscuits, gravy, eggs and sweet tea too.......................
don't forget the cornbread made with buttermilk, pork chops and some onion and fried potatoes will do.

Enjoy the grip of your snow shovel this season and hope your snow blower starts the first time around...........
or for me watching and listening to Lukas plow ours with his four-wheeler is such a lovely sound.

May your hair stop thinning, weight and looks are in check and hope your aches and pains of getting older is much less.................
and then May 2010 still be your very best.

Amen and pass the peanut butter Fudge!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mary did you know that your baby boy
will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy
will save our sons and daughters?

Did you know that your baby boy
has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered,
will soon deliver you.

Mary did you know that your baby boy
will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy
will calm a storm with his hand?

Did you know that your baby boy
has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby,
you have kissed the face of God.

The blind will see, the deaf will hear
and the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak,
the praises of the Lamb.

Mary did you know that your baby boy
is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy
will one day rule the nations?

Did you know that your baby boy
is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding
is the great I Am.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Letter from Linda Riddle Jent

From Linda Riddle Jent:
Dec. 12, 2009
Dear Family & Friends,

Here I sit this Christmas season doing something I said I would not do this year ... Write a Christmas letter and send cards. I also said we were going to 'cut back' on gifts (which I have). Yet I still find myself trying to make sure everyone has that special something. I love Christmas, I guess I take that after my Mom, but so many other do too. I love to decorate, look at the tree while sitting quietly in our living room, and yes, wishing for snow. While thinking about a lot of things this past year, I found myself facing things and circumstances I never thought I would actually face or have to deal with. Loved ones that are gone or very sick. Another is my not being able to do with the grand kids things that I would love to do. To have them sit on my lap, to run and play like they want me to.

The past 3 years I have been dealing with chronic back pain. I have seen several doctors, had many different treatments and injections, all leading to surgery this Fall. Only to find out the surgery did not fix the problem. So I am back to seeing other doctors, praying that they can help me with this.

God has used this to show me that I cannot do or fix it all. He has shown me that I must rely on Him even more than I have in the past. he has always been there for me and my family, seen us through a lot, and yet I still find myself trying to 'make everything okay'. Not being able to do a lot physically, He has sent me some help in the way of a beautiful Amish family whom we met last year. The daughters have been helping me with the housework. I am so grateful that God sent them to us. They are a blessing.

Christmas 2008 was here on the farm. Working on the loft for almost 6 months, getting everything ready for 'old-fashioned, homemade Christmas'. We had Santa & also a sleigh ride ... the food was delicious .. but the thing that I loved the most was when my Mom, 79 years young, sat and read to our family the Christmas story from the book of Luke. How I pray that special moment will remain in the hearts of our sons, their wives and their children. Thanks Mom & Pat for all your love, help and support.

Crit is still working, on the road and in the air a lot; we are so thankful that God has blessed us with this job. Tanner & Haylee are in 1st grade, Logan in pre-school, Zoey being cared for by a beautiful young lady from our church. How I miss not having her. Kristie is working part-time; Jamie is still fighting fires. Kerri is teaching 5th grade, Jeremy working his job and going to school full-time to follow in the footsteps of his brother.

Our daughter-in-law Kristie, her father Greg, has gone through so much the past 6 years. This year he lost both legs, but God spared him his life. He has touched this man in a way that only Greg can tell. I am so very thankful that God has kept Greg & his family close to him through all this. Part of him may be missing physically, but he is with his family, alive this Christmas and for that we are thankful. We cannot wait to see him standing, walking & doing some of the things he loved to do.

Crit lost a sister to cancer ... one whom he stayed with while we were dating. She was a special lady and friend to many. I know she will be sadly missed by her family this Christmas.

One of my dearest friends, Lynne, was diagnosed with stage 3 colon-rectal cancer, the cancer spreading to other areas. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this has been for Lynne, but God has so many 'angels' looking down on her and has carried so many prayers up to heaven on her behalf. She could not believe the out-pouring of cards, letters & emails that people have sent her. The prayers have worked. Lynne went for her PET scan the week of Thanksgiving and praise the Lord!, she shows no signs of cancer. She will be on a treatment plan consisting of oral chemo for the rest of her life, but the doctors told her to 'keep praying because prayer has worked". I love you Lynne (aka Erline) and miss you so much.

Our daughter-in-law Kerri, her mother, Aline, has been going through a lot of health issues also. Having had a kidney removed previously from cancer, the doctors thought it may have returned. Going through a lot of tests, our prayers were again answered ... no cancer! She had her gall bladder removed on Thanksgiving and was able to come for a visit this week.

Our neighbor and friend, Mira, caring for her mother for the last year or so, taking her to dialysis 3 times a week, spending lots of restless nites caring for her. Losing her this Summer took its toll, but God was good also. The 'calm & peace' that was in Mira's voice the night she called to tell us "Mom has gone home", as hard as it was to hear those words, God gave Mira Peace.

My sister Pat, having major surgery late this Summer, but she went in knowing that God had given her Peace and all would be okay and it was.

I am sure there are others that I am forgetting, but God knows who you are. God knows my heart also. The prayers that are embedded deeply there, praying for them to be answered in His way, not perhaps, mine.

We are so blessed to be able to watch our grand-children run, play and fish here on the farm. Pretty soon they will be tagging along behind their Dads, going after the big buck! To see how much they enjoy here, the simple things ... a walk down the '2-trac', lots of rides on Papaw's tractor, looking for rocks, casting a line in the pond. Feeding & caring for their chickens. I still choke up when it is time for them to leave.

Getting back to the 'no cards this year'. While driving our grandson Tanner & grand-daughter Zoey home a couple of weeks ago, we were noticing all the pretty lights and decorations in our home town of Coldwater. They have Santa standing very tall on the main corner of town, but on the other side lay the 'baby Jesus'. We are still able to display a nativity, giving us the real meaning of Christmas.

Tanner spoke up and asked me "Mamaw, what do you want for Christmas this year?" I thought a moment before answering and then I replied, "Peace ... I would love to have Peace". He replied "you can't get that for Christmas" .... and I said "Maybe I can". He asked me how and I said "I pray for Peace and God hears our prayers, so I pray He answers this one". He then said, "For real, what would you like to get...maybe some new pajamas, would you like some new pajamas?" (He has seen me in a lot of them lately). I told him that would be great and Zoey added "Yeah, some new jammies Mamaw". The innocence of being a child. Young enough to still believe, young enough not to know all the wrong in the world, hearts feeling some pain of their own.

So here I sit, knowing I still have presents to put the last little touches on, yet thinking of that little conversation a few weeks back, and wishing for Peace. So much is going on in our world. Soldiers leaving to fight a war, away from their loved ones, to protect ours this Christmas Day. Loved ones, even in our family, losing their jobs after working and giving for over 20 years. We hear that things won't get much better, yet I still hope and I pray for Peace. Praying that God would have mercy on our country once again and see us through another day, another year. To restore America back to its roots and yes, give us Peace. Perhaps this isn't the most traditional letter for Christmas, yet it is something I truly wanted to share.

To thank God for all He has done, is still doing and will continue to do. Thanking Him for sending us His Son .. JESUS, the real meaning of Christmas. For sending us, over 2 thousand years ago, PEACE. I cannot imagine how Mary must have felt on that night, giving birth to her son in a stable. Yet the story is so tender to my heart. What did she feel, knowing she was looking into the eyes of our Savior? Thinking of those that came from afar and yes, bringing Him gifts. The night so dark, yet the stars shined so bright, the brightest One lying in a manger. How I wish for such peace, not just on earth, but in the deepest part of our hearts. I wish for, as Amy Grant sings, "A Silent Night, a Holy Night", a little peace right here.

So Tanner, I guess I can say, God has already given me my gift. It didn't cost anyone anything, except Christ Himself. Now I need to accept it deep within my heart...knowing that He has my life in His hands. Things may not be going so well for a lot of us ... but we truly need to realize and be thankful for what God has done us His Son to love us, to care for us and die for us. To be ever so thankful that we can be with those that we love, that they are healthy and hopefully happy.

So from our hearts to your home .... we wish you Peace. Peace on Earth & Goodwill to you all. Wishing that the things that need to be fixed can be fixed. Wishing that the doors of employment would be opened for those in need, wishing health for those that are sick and hurting. Wishing "Hope" for the hopeless and to everyone, again, I wish you Peace.

May God reveal the meaning of this Christmas Day deep within your hearts ... we love you all.

Merry Christmas and May God continue to bless you.

Linda & Crit

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Memories, 2009, Vickie Elliott Kendrick

With great appreciation, I post the following Christmas Memories from Victoria Elliott Kendrick. She was just a little girl when our family met their family at Little Ida Church in Ecorse, MI. My Dad, Winford Riddle, and her Dad, John Elliott became best friends. Often where you saw one man, you also saw the other. Bro. John was laid back and easy to get along with. Bessie was a lady with a big heart, she loved easily and told you the truth whether you wanted to hear it or not. I loved to hear her laugh.

Little did I know when my family met John & Bess's family that one day I would be married to John's nephew. That his children would become my cousins by marriage. It's amazing how God orchestrates our lives and brings people together to not only be friends, but to become 'family'.
This is a beautiful memory, enjoy!

In the photo: Bess & John Elliott with daughter Victoria

To me all my memories of Christmas are precious.

It started out as a gift to open a few days before Christmas. We would get so excited only to open it and find a pair of socks, a candy cane or some little thing to wet our appetite to open more. Mommy would always tell us we had to wait on Santa.

Dad always read the story "The Night Before Christmas" or told it from memory. He always added a few extra lines to make us laugh. It would start on Christmas Eve with leaving Santa milk and peanut butter cookies. It had to be peanut butter because Dad said that was the only kind Santa liked. (Later when I found out about the real Santa did I realize that was Daddy's favorite cookie.)

I remember Mom and Dad getting up between 4 am and 5 am to start making stuffing and preparing food to be cooked. Dad was the "chief taste tester". He always told us he had to sample everything before we did so he could make sure we would not get sick when we ate. Trust me it was his favorite job. It was the sound of them in the kitchen together laughing, talking and Mommy humming Christmas songs. Dad telling Mom to add more salt or seasonings and Mommy's reply was "John, who is doing the cooking here?"

It was the time when I could hear them both say, "Lord, thank you for the blessings you have gave us this year and the food we are about to eat today." These words will be forever planted in my memory of them.

It was the silver aluminum Christmas tree with the colored wheel to make it change colors when it turned. It was the opening of gifts that meant we were the richest kids in the world on that morning. It was simple gifts. Mom crocheting barbie doll clothes or making them on her sewing machine. It was clothes, shoes and just things we needed. There was always a gift that was something we had asked for. They always made sure we got some of the things we wanted. They gave us the best they could and it was given in love no matter what it was.

It was also the little brown bag of goodies we got. An apple, an orange, candy canes and some hard pieces of candy. To this day I can still taste how good those were. Nothing ever compared to the taste of those goodies like it did at Christmas.

These are my Christmas memories that I have tried to do some of them ever since my sons were born. I have added a few, but the open of the gift before Christmas, a stocking with the same goodies are given each year to the boys and my grandchildren. I have a book with the "Night Before Christmas", Mom bought me in 1969. I still put it out and read it to the grand children. They now tell me they are too old to hear it. I still read it whether they listen or not.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Give Aunt Oma a big hug and kiss from me.

Christmas Memories, 2009, Bobby Riddle

Christmas Memories from Bobby

Christmas 2008 was a Christmas like none before. Divorced, my family separated and not all together as we were the 22 years prior . Employed and gifts plenty under the tree. Basement flooded for 2 weeks prior. Dinner was dull and quiet.

Christmas 2009 will be different. Still divorced, but all of my family looks to be all together lord willing a few days from now.Unemployed and gifts not many this year but even more thankful than last year. Dinner looks good and conversation should be better than last.Basement has been dry to thank god.

Thats all I have. Buts it's all I need.

Merry Christmas..........YA'LL!

Christmas Memories, 2009, Sharon Kay Riddle Smith

Yes, it's Christmas. The year flew by and here it is. Time for all the family traditions, time to reflect on how special family truly is.
This year we will spend Christmas Eve at Mom's, like we usually do every year, and of course order Mexico Way, which has become part of our family tradition. For us, it's a highlight because we don't have it so easily accessible.

Since the girls were babies, I started the Christmas Eve pajama tradition, and now it's one that we all share. We will exchange pajamas, and everyone HAS to wear them on Christmas day. Makes me think of Linda the year someone bought her pajamas that we would now call capris...ha.. !!

I started a new tradition last year in making Mike's Granny's Carrot Cake, and of course NUT ROLLS !!! I still stuff the girls stockings every year, and put them out on Christmas Eve after we get home from Mom's. We will all sit around the fireplace and watch Megan pass out the packages while we eat nut rolls and have coffee. We all have to take turns opening gifts so we can see what each other got, and Mike and Myndi LOVE that part...!! Last year we all stayed in pajamas the entire day.....this year I think we will do the same !!

A song that is usually played every Christmas morning is Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by N''s one of our favorites.

I want to personally wish everyone that reads this a very Merry Christmas !! My wish for everyone is for all to have a happy spirit in their hearts and to be so thankful that our family had another blessed year.

Love to all !!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Memories, 2009, Sue Elliott

Christmas Memories from Aunt Sue

"My dear Clyde and Louise- so glad to offer a few memories for the blog if you want to use them.

We always spent Christmas Eve with Oma and Vernis and Roy of course partied too much at the station and we were always late for the 6:00 dinner of chicken from KFC. Ask Oma if she remembers what food Roy dropped in the snow on her front steps when they lived on West 58th Street. I was mad as an old wet hen at the time but sure would love to go back to those Christmas times.

It's never too late to start traditions. This year I copied one from a story I think I read in Better Homes and Gardens. When I put up the manger scene, Ally puts Baby Jesus in the manger. Hopefully in years to come she will remember this; the manger and nativity figures are mine from when I was just a little girl.

Hope that all of you have a safe, healthy and calm Christmas Day. I have really cut back a lot this year. Love to all of you - Auntie Sue and her zoo!!!"

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Memories, 2009, Rebecca Neblett Rohde

Abby Rohde & Santa, 2009
Abby is the daughter of Brian & Rebecca (Neblett) Rohde
Granddaughter of Warren & Rita (Riddle) Neblett
"Her second christmas already. Where has the time gone???.
I have many memories of Christmas, some good and some bad, but what I miss the most is the fun we had as a family together. The gift exchanges, the laughs we shared and of course the good food. Where has those times gone!! I especially remember the wrapping paper fight we had in mamaw's basement, that was a great one!!!" - from Becky Rohde

Cat & Rebecca

The Wedding Day of Rebecca Amburgey & Jordan Ude

Rebecca & her Dad, Enos Amburgey

Katherine Caudill Amburgey & Grandson Ben

Enos, Rebecca & Kathy

Mother & Daughter

Husband & Wife...Jordan & Rebecca

Many thanks to Rebecca Amburgey Ude for allowing me to post these photos
Rebecca is the daughter of Enos Amburgey & Katherine Caudill Amburgey
and she's the granddaughter of Delzie Caudill & Subrina Riddle Caudill

This is Tony Butski with "Cat" (Katherine Amburgey)
Tony is the son of Bill Butski & Lorene Caudill Butski
(Vernon's son Scott & Chris Elliott in background)

Jordan & Rebecca Amburgey Ude with her Mom "Cat" and Cat's grandson Ben

Jordan Ude, Aunt Brina, Rebecca Ude, ImaJean Caudill Smith

Jordan Ude & Subrina Riddle Caudill

At the family reunion this Summer, the kids surprised Aunt Brina
by celebrating her 90th birthday

This is Coop - Beloved dog of Jordan & Rebecca Ude

Some of Aunt Brina's grandchildren....
who do you recognize?

Vernon & Rose Caudill & Family

I've not seen Brenda Sue in years and was so pleased to see
these photos of her....
This is her son Dale Elliott with his daughter

Hi Brenda!

Brenda with Cat's grandson Ben

If you attended the reunion this year and would like to have
pictures posted on this blog, please send them to me

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas, 2009

Merry Christmas from Louis

and Rocky

Do you have a Christmas photo of your pet? Of you? Your kids?
Email it to me and I'll add it to the blog.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December Birthdays

ecember Birthdays:

Sydney Moore - Dec. 6
Jason Riddle - Dec. 8
Cathy Caudill Amburgey - Dec. 10
Jason Parker Riddle, II - Dec. 17
Perri Moore - Dec. 28

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Something to think about...

I received this from Bobby today via email ... I'm glad he sent it ... hope you all enjoy it and learn from it as I have .....

How many of us really think about things. I am told I think too much. What do they know though? Look closely at the header at the top of the family blog, think about it, and then put it into your own perspective.
Family Ties

"A place for family to share photographs and memories, the old and the new. A place for us to remember where we came from .. to appreciate where we are and to better learn of where we're headed".

I never really looked close enough at this heading, until today. Another day, looking online for work, coffee in hand, cigarette in the other. Nothing on Monster jobs, nothing on Craigalist, nothing on the talent bank, or snag a job, or logistics jobs, and so on. Hey its time to check the blog. Then hit me. The heading.

Yes the photographs on the blog are cool and bring a smile, the memories make you feel good inside, but when I read to appreciate where we are and to better learn where we are headed, well it makes me wonder I guess because I know I never really looked at the heading, just automatically went looking for new pictures and comments.

Do we, and you, really get up in the morning, give thanks for where each of us are and think about where we are headed? I will say maybe some do, but it's possible not all of us do. But is it the first thing we do? I am not saying I am holier than thou, or better than any other, just wonder if people do.

It's not easy you know. Life I mean. All of us have, and will, go thru things good and bad. Happy and sad. Gains and losses. Trials and tribulations. Sleep and sleepless nights.

Sureties and insecurities. Giving and receiving. We will give advice, make suggestions, be patient and be inpatient, and think about many things, with many feelings, people, the world, our family, our neighbors, our children, our spouse, and will form our own opinion on just about everything. We do like to be right you know, think we know about things, and we like to be counted on at times, and feel worthy. It makes folks feel good when they feel like they're contributing I think.

How do we, and you reading this, really take the old and new in the blog and apply it to our life today? How do we remember where we came from today? How do we today, appreciate where we are and better learn of where we are headed?

What were we really taught in the old days? What did we really learn in the old days? What have we taught ourselves this new day and who and what are we teaching? What have we learned ourselves in this new day and what are we teaching?

Quotes of old are still being used today by some of us. If I only knew then what I know now we say. Things were tough back then you know we also say. Blood is thicker than water. Family is all that matters. It's better to give than to receive. Love your neighbor. Honor your mother and father. Follow your heart. Pray for your children. Give thanks. Yes mam,no mam, yes sir and no sir. Need help? Give me a call anytime day or night. Forgive and forget. Sticks and stones. Pride. Positives and negatives. Don't cry over spilled milk. What you see is what you get. Be respectful. Quit your whining. I wouldn't if I was you. I would if I was you. Don't forget to do this and that. Quit worrying. Worrying gets you nowhere. They said? he said? she said? I believe you should do this. No I believe you should do that. He should, she should, they should, try doing this. I bet if only they would .....and so on. You can't get blood from a rock. Quit it. Stop it. Be quiet. Speak up. When I was kid. When I got older. I should have, could have, but didn't. I wished I didn't do that, but I did.

Well you get the idea. It's old and still new.

One day, like today,we wake up and now know yesterday's blog news is not new anymore. It's actually old. We are getting older like the things added to the blog. Tomorrow may be here, it may not. We think it will be because we have things to do. People to see. Things to get done and plans to get things done. Jobs to work. Kids to raise. Future thoughts. Bills to pay. House to clean. Yard work to do.

So we get up and get busy. But what if your plans don't go as you thought it would? What if?

If you all could add one thing to the header, what would it be for you? Would we then apply the header to our life today, or would we still just blow by it and move on to what's new?

I might add something like...."You really don't know what you have, even when it's not gone". Or maybe, "be thankful for what you don't have". Or how about "Life is what you make it right now today, not tomorrow, not yesterday". Or maybe "why put off being grumpy again today when you can also do it again tomorrow".

How about.....Today and everyday...Give thanks, God bless everyone, Merry Christmas.......and pass the cornbread?