Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday JR .... (the guy on the left) ... My Fred's brother
which makes him my brother-in-law

His Mom says his birthday is today, Sept. 25
JR says his birthday is tomorrow, Sept. 26

Now who do YOU think knows when he was born?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Monsters Of Cruelty!

"Now that I am a father, and know the affection of a parent--would I not defend from every danger--would I not bestow every truly good thing--would I not implore every blessing--on my tender children? Would I not nourish their infant state--correct and educate their childhood--inspect, reprove, and admonish them in youth? Would I allow the dear little creatures--to play with sharp pointed knives--to frolic on the brink of a rapid torrent--or dance around a pit's mouth? Would I permit them to eat deadly berries--or to put a cup of poison to their tender lips? However indulgent, would I allow them to disobey my commands? And if they labored under any disease which threatened their precious life, what pains or expenses would I spare to procure them relief? If assured that a physician lived somewhere, who could heal them without fail--would I not send to the uttermost corner of the land? would I not travel to the ends of earth?

But, hear me, O parents! If our concern for our children ends only with their bodies--we are monsters of cruelty! Would we pluck them from fire and water--and yet permit them to plunge into the fire of hell, and lie under the billows of Jehovah's wrath? Will we snatch from them sword, pistol or knife--and allow them to wound themselves to the very soul, with sin? Will we chastise their disobedience to us--and wink at their spitting in the very face of God, by open acts of sin? Are we fond to have them educated and well-bred--and yet let them live in the neglect of prayer, which is the highest disrespect that can be put on the Author of our being?

In a word, is this the sum of our kindness, is this the height of our concern for our dear children--to see them happy in time, flourishing in the affairs of this life--though they end up being miserable beyond description through eternity itself? Will their bodily pain excite our sympathy, and will we do all in our power to have their diseases healed--and yet have no concern that their souls pine under sin, and they suffer all the pangs of hell? Will we not bring them in our prayers, to the Physician of souls, to the Savior of sinners?

I have but one request for all of my children, and that is--that they may fear and serve God here--and enjoy him forever! No matter though they sweat for their daily bread--only let them feed on the hidden manna! Let them toil and spin for their apparel--but let them be covered in Christ's righteousness! How would I count my house renowned, and my family ennobled, if there sprang from it--not wealthy princes or kings, (let potsherds of the earth strive for such earthly vanities)--but pillars for the temple of God in glory--who shall dwell in the presence of the King of kings--when time is no more!" - "

Solitude Sweetened
" by James Meikle, 1730-1799

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Michael David Batwinas

Mike's home for the next 6 months ... go to
for more information

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Clyde's Army Reunion

At the end of our time with Shawn & Jane & the girls in TN, Clyde & I went on to Georgia with Rick & Nancy for their 40th Army Reunion in Conyers, GA. We met at a Ruby Tuesday's Restaurant the evening of August 21, 2009

This sign was provided by Hank Kimner

This is Colonel John Haumersen and his wife Elsie

Clyde & Bill Murphy

Nancy & Hank Kimner, Rick & Nancy Hauck

As a surprise to everyone, Rick had planned a time of honoring 4 men that evening ...

The first was Col. Haumersen

Rick begins the installation ceremony with Col. Haumersen into the
Order of St. George. Each man was given a Medallion and a certificate that reflects their contribution to Armor and Cavalry during their years of service with the U.S. Army-

After his installation, the Colonel then assists Rick in the installation of
Hank Kimner, Clyde and Bill Murphy into the Order of St. George

One by one the men kneel to receive the Black Medallion

Colonel Haumersen then taps their shoulders with the saber that
Rick used during his military service. Rick is an alumni of the Citadel

Clyde's turn to kneel and receive the Medallion

The man Clyde served under in 1968-1969, Col. Haumersen, has the honor of
'knighting' Clyde into the Order of St. George

Hank Kimner, Bill Murphy, Col. John Haumersen & Clyde Moore

Each man was also inducted into The Order of the Spur

"The Order of the Spur is a Cavalry tradition within the United States Army. Soldiers serving with Cavalry units (referred to as Troopers) are inducted into the Order of the Spur after successfully completing a "Spur Ride" or for having served during combat as a member of a Cavalry unit. Traditionally, each Trooper is presented spurs by their sponsor at a ceremonial dining in commonly referred to as the "Spur Dinner". The spurs are to be worn with the military uniform during Squadron or Regimental ceremonies and events or as designated by the Cavalry unit commander. In some units, gold spurs are awarded for combat inductions while silver spurs represent having completed the Spur Ride. Within the tradition, silver spurs and gold spurs hold a similar relationship for the cavalry as the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Combat Infantryman Badge hold in the Infantry. There is no Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) requirement for the Order of the Spur and the order is open to members of foreign militaries serving with U.S. Cavalry units".

The final surprise for each man was a United States Flag with a certificate
stating that each flag had been flown over the U.S. Capitol building for
7 mintues on July 7, 2009

We paid tribute to these men who served our country in times of war
and conflict. Their time in Korea is called the 'forgotten war' because the focus was on Vietnam at the time they served in Korea. I didn't know the danger these men were in until last year when Clyde & Rick reconnected in Ohio. Clyde wrote letters home while he was gone but never mentioned the dangers and the killing that was happening.

Hank Kimner, Bill Murphy, Col. Haumersen, Tom Bornhorst, Rick Hauck & Clyde Moore

Bill Murphy, Hank & Nancy Kimner, Rick & Nancy Hauck, Elsie & Col. Haumersen, Louise & Clyde Moore, Tom Bornhorst

A photo of the certificate given to Clyde

The Flag, the Spurs and the Medallions now sit on our fireplace mantel